

dasReispapier – publishing your own articles to Asian Law

The web based medium dasReispapier with a focus on East Asia topics provides the opportunity for sharing insights by publishing own articles. Topics like politics, law, history, society and literature should bring the region of East Asia closer to a wider audience and strengthen cross-border networking.

The editorial board consists of active and former students of the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Vienna, which will provide editing support to the authors as conscientious as possible. Articles can be submitted in English or German, well-understandably written to adress even a non-specialist audience. DasReispapier is a fully non-profit organisation founded in 2011.

For further informations and interesting articles please visit https://dasreispapier.at/.

If you are interested in sharing your insights on East Asia please send your request or even finished papers at info@dasreispapier.at.